Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Being Your Best. Are you Shining? Part II

When you are shining, you are naturally giving your best.  Not a predefined idea of what "best" is.  It is not a competitive "best" which is tied to an idea of success and achievement.  "Yeah, but it's a competitive world" you may say.  In shining, you are trusting in Life (God, Spirit, Universe, etc).

I recall having two visions run through my head that dealt with this idea of success and being the best.  Once I was driving by a college and I was thinking if I spoke to these college students I would say something like, "do what you like to do, but no matter what you do strive to be the best".  And then the thought came, Why?  Why do you have to be the best?   This thought surprised me because it was against my thinking as a striver and achiever.  Another time,  I had a dream where my youngest son who went off to college, but then decided to become a boat builder (which isn't what he went to college for), and living the laid back life near the ocean.  He really loved it and in my dream I said to him, "If you want to build boats that's fine, but be the best boat builder".  Which meant my definition of best, grow it, have processes in place, hire people, etc.  Go from two boats a month to ten, etc.  And then the same feeling came, why?  Why does he have to be the best?  Why does anyone have to be someone else's definition of what the best looks like which involves more and more levels of achievement?

If we are shining, we can trust that goodness will happen.  I use the word goodness, so we don't get caught up in the idea of success.  You could feel it means the same thing, but I use it to stay away from the word success. (See, "Are You Shining? Part I")

If you are a parent, even though we may want our kids to have what we think a good life is; a great job and avoid struggle.  But ultimately all we really want is for our children to be happy, at peace and free.  Yet the message many receive is about being the best and successful.      I wonder what the world would look like if the focus was about how to be happy and at peace no matter what happened versus a world focus on getting ahead, striving, achieving and attaining, getting the "right" job.  We often complain about younger generations, but what kind of focus from us did they experience? 

We need a shift in thinking, "be the best" or even "do your best", although appropriate to say at times, is not as important as saying, "you are shining" or "just shine".

You were born to shine.

I wish you the best.   This "best" wish isn't about success, I wish you to be happy, at peace and free no matter where you are at in life. 


© 2015 Ben's Pebble

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